This page is dedicated entirely to my sources. Since my posts often contain an opinion, I find it important to make clear where I get my information. I try to diversify the sources I base myself on. A global description is given for each of my major news events sources. A source is considered major if I consult it at least once a week.
De Morgen is a Belgian newspaper that was originally affiliated with the
Socialistische Partij (Socialist Party). Over time the newspaper took more and more distance from its political sponsors, even going as far as facing bankruptcy. In 1989 a structural solution was found for the financial problems of the newspaper.
De Morgen was taken over by
De Persgroep, a media company that also publishes newspapers of popular and liberal origin. Today,
De Morgen promotes itself as a 'progressive and independent quality newspaper'. I check the online version on a daily basis and read the paper one whenever I get the chance to. Pages I never skip are the political headers and 'De Gedachte', the opinions section. It forms a great counterweight for the other more rightist/popular newspapers in Belgium. If you're into more conservative or liberal opinions you should try
De Standaard or
De Tijd.The online version of
De Morgen can be found

British Broadcasting Company is one of the best public broadcasting networks worldwide. It has a whole bunch of informational programs worthwhile to tune in to. I try to watch the 6 o'clock news every now and then, which is conveniently broadcasted at 7 P.M. Belgian time. Of course most of the time I give precedence to the Belgian news shows. Luckily the BBC maintains an excellent news site which is especially handy because of the categorization of news events along geographical regions. I consult the BBC news site for 'quick updates' during the day. The BBC news site can be found
The EconomistThe Economist is an influential international affairs publication that appears on a weekly basis. A subscription is a bit pricy for my budget, but of course The Economist is also available on the internet. This magazine combines two interesting assets: it offers the bigger picture trough its focus on worldwide affairs and gives more extensive economic analyses than other popular sources. Though a little liberal in its take on politics, it is a certified contact for good journalism. For those interested: you can have The Ecocomist mail you with an oversight of important events. I receive my dose of international politics in my mailbox on a weekly basis.