januari 12, 2012

Ten most interesting albums of 2011

An unusual topic and perhaps not the most inspiring one. But hey, I have to study for my exams so please don't crucify me. The article pretty much is what it says to be: just an overview of the ten most interesting albums released in the previous year. I choose the term 'interesting' to reflect the personal nature of this list. These albums are in no way 'the best' or 'the most important' ones. They are merely the ones I liked best.

#10 - I'm With You by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Quite frankly I was a bit disappointed by this one. I'm certainly not the biggest Peppers fan, but I do take an interest in their most popular songs. Looking forward to this release might have created to big expectations. Still, a song like The Adventures Of Rain Dance Maggie sounds nicer once you've heard it a couple of times. Please notice the cow bell in the instrumentation.

#9 - Fallen Empires by Snow Patrol
A nice album that can measure up to their previous work. I had a battle going on with myself which release I would like best: Snow Patrol's or Mylo Xyloto by Coldplay. The latter had my bet but it turned out to be the other way. In fact, going by the recent evolution of both groups, I conclude to like Snow Patrol better. They are a band with potential that can deliver new sound without losing quality.

#8 - Jeff Bridges by Jeff Bridges
An unusual album as I only new Bridges as a notable actor playing in movies by the Coen brothers. It's somewhere in between easy rock and country; a perfect background score for those lousy moments. I include it in this list because of the surprise value mainly. Especially the song What A Little Bit Of Love Can Do is worth checking out.

#7 - Keys To The Kingdom by North Mississippi Allstars
I discovered this band when working my way further into the beautiful genre of the blues rock. Being a contemporary band, I was wild about their sound. This newest album contains less blues-influenced material and more of their easy-to-digest rock. Maybe I listed it higher if it was more in the line of their previous work. Still, even their non-bluesy work is quite okay. And a song like How I Wish My Train Would Come makes up for it all.

#6 - El Camino by The Black Keys
The rougher work in contemporary blues rock. The Black Keys always seem to experiment in the direction of alternative rock and more chaotic sound. El Camino does not hold their best work but there are some real pearls on the album. Lonely Boy is a special one (the video rocks!). My personal favorite is the poetic yet rough Little Black Submarines. It may even be my favorite song of 2011...

#5 - Collapse Into Now by R.E.M.
Now there you have a band. I can say I'm a real fan of R.E.M. since I like most of their work, regardless of the album/period. Their latest and also last work is again something entirely different. Too bad they will stop, but I guess it's a good sign when you can say such a thing. Also check out the 1982-2011 compilation set Part Lies, Part Heart, Part Truth, Part Garbage. It contains two new songs, even 'newer' than Collapse.

#4 - Bad As Me by Tom Waits
Tom Waits is the champion of the musical experiment. You can't capture him in a single genre, and I admire that. Waits is more than a musician, he's an artist. I don't like all of his songs but when he mixes blues, jazz and softer variants of rock it sometimes works out really nice. The song Back In The Crowd jumps out for me. Perhaps not the best album, but I'm really glad that I can witness a genius like Waits.

#3 - Paper Airplane by Union Station
Okay, so it is by Alison Krauss and Union Station. I don't like the vocal country in which Krauss is given the lead, even though the lady can sing. No questioning in that! What makes this album so special for me is that it contains bluegrass I truly enjoy. Most country of this type I just find 'amusing' or 'good fun'. Songs like Dust Bowl Children or On The Outside Looking In were a revelation to me. That is why this album deserves a third place.

#2 - Pull Up Some Dust And Sit Down by Ry Cooder
I didn't new Ry Cooder before I heard him on the radio this year. After looking up some older material I concluded that his recent release is what I like best. But still, I like it A LOT. This 2011 album was inspired by the banking crisis and the Occupy Wall Street movement. And that is how I like my music: beautiful and engaged. Just sit back while you play No Banker Left Behind. The homage in John Lee Hooker For President is also a nice addition.

#1 - All At Once by The Airborne Toxic Event
 This is an album I like in its entirety. Already familiar with their previous self-titled album, All At Once doesn't seem to offer anything new. When in the beginning I was drawn to the curiosity of just a few songs, later on the whole album just grew on me. The title song and All I Ever Wanted are a good start for breeding a fascination. Also try the older songs The Girls In Their Summer Dresses and Sometime Around Midnight.

Any thoughts or comments? Some album I seem to have missed? Please do share!

2 opmerkingen:

Unknown zei

I like a little change of topic every now and then!
There are a lot of albums in this list I have never listened to. My bad! However, I think I can give you some suggestions that you would perhaps include in your top ten if you had known them before!

Here are at least two albums you should listen to - NOW!
- "England Keep My Bones" by Frank Turner (thanks to Ingmar)
- "Last Night on Earth" by Noah & The Whale

They're on my Top 10 list!

Regaliorum zei

Inge told about Turner after this post was finished; I didn't bother to include it. The Noah stuff I know from the radio, not my cup of tea. Still, thanks for commenting! :p