Hi dear readers! This blog is getting quite some more attention than I expected. I'm not going to publish my entire statistics, but I get quite some visitors from all around the world. Mostly Europe and the States, but also a lot of Russians and even a Kenyan regular. A big thanks to all of you who keep reading this blog!
As you might have noticed my activity dropped. I however promise to publish no less than four decent articles a month, and this up till February. To guarantee the quality of my blog - and to make sure you don't have to read silly updates every week - I have prepared enough material. If anything out of the ordinary would happen, I will take the time to write down my five cents too.
To finish this update: I will put a stronger emphasis on theory once my examinations are over. To this purpose I have added a new page to my blog, called 'theory'. Feel free to use it as I sure will! :D
4 opmerkingen:
Could you perhaps allow comments on the Theory page as well? I think there's an option somewhere to do so :)
Thanks in advance!
I looked at the settings, but couldn't find such an option. Are you sure there is one?
Should be yes. I'm not sure where though.
It was in the 'post options' section. Comments are now enabled. :p
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