september 13, 2011

Just getting started...

A few days ago, a good friend of mine asked whether I could write something for his blog Monticello to Walden. My guest blog was an opinion on the Middle East policy of the US, written in the light of ten years 9/11. I really enjoyed contributing and somehow the blog vibe got to me. This inspired me to write a blog of my own, Swings & Roundabouts.

'Swings and roundabouts' is an English idiom of which I always loved the sound. It signifies that something has about as much advantages as it has disadvantages. Since this blog will mostly cover my two cents on recent (political) developments, I find it fit to have a reminder on the many sides of a debate. S&R serves as an incentive for me to keep up with the world and to think things over. I see it as a project to develop my skills.

Though the aim of S&R is rather personal, everyone is free to read along. Comments or questions are appreciated too. Hope to write for real soon,


2 opmerkingen:

Unknown zei

Hi Joeri! A warm welcome to the blogosphere ;)

J.J. zei

How could I have missed this?
Yuri, do a little shameless promotion. Trust me, it works like a charm!